Monday, 24 November 2014

How to Change Google Earth Setup Values

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.  Rumi

Time2Place performs intensive communication with Google Earth desktop application.
When Google Earth is installed some of the setup values need to be changed in order to make Time2Place and Google Earth a perfect couple.
From  Tools ---> Options ...
Tools ---> Options ...

TAB 3D View

Check Decimal Degrees

TAB Navigation
Set Fly-To-Speed to 1.0000000

TAB General

Check "Allow access to local files and personal data".
Alternatively "Silently accept all unrecognised data" can be checked although Time2Place creates KML and KMZ files which are error free.

Stay tuned.
With Love, Light and Gratitude.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Time2Place Before You Start

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.   Arthur Ashe

  • is Windows Desktop program which runs under Windows emulation on MAC as well.
  • enables to manage and pinpoint positions of your PHOTOs, recorded VOICEs, action VIDEOs, topographic maps and descriptions.
  • gives free access to ever growing number of topographic maps across the world.
  • creates variety of products based on your data.
  • interacts with Google Eart Desktop via live link.

Prerequisites before you start
  • Basic understanding of GPS devices and gadgets and/or GPS on smart phones.
  • Capability to use Google Earth Desktop program in order to navigate across the World in 3D using mouse movements, mouse buttons and mouse wheel (pan left, right, up, down, zoom in, zoom out and tilt). Here is explained how?
  •  Basic understanding about layers in Free Google Earth desktop program (show, hide layer and expand). Here is explained how?
Google Earth program displaying various layers.
New to Google Earth Desktop program ? Download it from here.
  • Passion about outdoors to create PHOTOs, tape VOICEs and recording action VIDEOs using any type of Video Camera including smart phones.
  • Familiar to work with programs like Word and similar.
  • Excitement to learn something new.
Stay tuned
With Love, Light and Gratitude


Friday, 21 November 2014

The Birth of Time2Place Blog

Every journey starts with a single step. To describe how it was depends on how much we understand, admit and tell. The rest is up to Time2Place.

The blog is all about reasons, technology, examples and stories related to Time2Place.

The idea is to bring the life cycle of an outdoor experience into common environment called Time2Place Project. Whatever we do or discover out there. Project supports life cycle of an outdoor experience. From initial planning and preparation to execution followed by (but not limited to) debriefing, re-experiencing, reporting, sharing and wrapping up. Whatever the reason.
When outdoor data is safely imported in the Project variety of tools can be applied in order to edit and create products and derivatives from outdoor data.
Blog will unveil them all. Existing ones and those under development.
Expression "whatever you do or discover out there" basically means that wast number of human activities can benefit from Time2Place.
The document lists some of the activities where Time2Place can be of great help.
 Stay tuned.
With Light, Love and Gratitude