- is Windows Desktop program which runs under Windows emulation on MAC as well.
- enables to manage and pinpoint positions of your PHOTOs, recorded VOICEs, action VIDEOs, topographic maps and descriptions.
- gives free access to ever growing number of topographic maps across the world.
- creates variety of products based on your data.
- interacts with Google Eart Desktop via live link.
Prerequisites before you start
- Basic understanding of GPS devices and gadgets and/or GPS on smart phones.
- Capability to use Google Earth Desktop program in order to navigate across the World in 3D using mouse movements, mouse buttons and mouse wheel (pan left, right, up, down, zoom in, zoom out and tilt). Here is explained how?
- Basic understanding about layers in Free Google Earth desktop program (show, hide layer and expand). Here is explained how?
Google Earth program displaying various layers. |
- Passion about outdoors to create PHOTOs, tape VOICEs and recording action VIDEOs using any type of Video Camera including smart phones.
- Familiar to work with programs like Word and similar.
- Excitement to learn something new.
Stay tuned
With Love, Light and Gratitude